Mud Blaster is a game with an isometric view and low poly visual style that combines humor and action in an original narrative. The story begins with a carefree protagonist taking a bath, while a meteorite composed of a mud-like material impacts nearby, releasing creatures that parasitize the citizens. When one of these creatures tries to attack him, he accidentally discovers that the shampoo can disintegrate them. With this knowledge, he improvises a bubble gun using bathroom utensils and embarks on a mission to save his city, free the affected citizens, and solve the mystery of the strange meteorite. This game stands out for its creativity, its light tone and its focus on innovative mechanics such as the use of shampoo and bubbles as main weapons. Ideal for those looking for a unique and fun experience.

Published 3 days ago
AuthorsLisandroDev, Juaco
GenreAdventure, Shooter
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Isometric, Prototype

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